Car Seat Locking Clip

car seat locking clip

A car seat locking clip is a small metal piece that keeps the lap portion of the seat belt tight in the seat belt path to keep your child securely restrained in the event of a crash. It’s a must-have for those who travel with a car seat or drive rental cars internationally. If you’re not sure if your car seat needs a locking clip, read the manuals for both your vehicle and the car seat. The vehicle manual will tell you how to lock the seat belt and the car seat manual will let you know if it includes a locking feature or requires a separate locking clip.

What’s the difference between a locking clip and a gated buckle?

A gated buckle is a safety feature built into some seats that prevents the lap belt from being shortened with a locking clip. Gated buckles aren’t a substitute for a locking clip, and they can never be used to shorten the shoulder belt. To do so would put your child in serious danger and cause serious injury or death in the event of a crash.

Most newer car seats (in America at least) come with either lower anchors or a locking clip. The lower anchors are metal “U” shaped bars or horizontal bars that are attached to the vehicle’s seat crease with a hook-and-latch system. They’re not as secure as a locking clip, but they do help to keep the seat belt in place in the event of a crash.

Seat belts that are automatically locked with an emergency locking retractor in newer vehicles or that have a switchable latch plate (as in some older cars) don’t need a locking clip. If you have a car seat that does not require a locking clip or if you’re traveling with a convertible seat, be sure to check the manual for your vehicle and your car seat to make sure your lap/shoulder seat belt can be locked properly.

Some cars seat brands have built in locking clips, including the Chicco KeyFit and Britax ClickTight seats. Graco has a feature called SnugLock that works in the same way. The locking clip can also be used with some older convertible seats. If your seat doesn’t have a locking clip, you can purchase one online or at a local car store.

Car seat belts should always be snug, but in some cases, the locking clip can help parents keep the seat belts in place without adjusting them too much. This can be helpful when changing children, taking kids out of the car for a quick snack or bathroom break, and when a driver wants to use their phone or other device while driving.

Parents should never rely on a locking clip to keep their children in the car seat because the straps can become twisted, which will bind in the locking mechanism and amplify the forces of a crash. Instead, parents should read their car seat’s manual and watch installation videos or visit a certified technician or technician instructor for assistance.